Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Reset Printer Epson CX3900 dan Epson CX4900

In general there are two ways to reset the printer of any brand, that is by way of manual and automated by using software resetter. In this article we will discuss about how to reset the printer Epson CX3900 and Epson CX4900 automatically use additional software.

Actually there are two software that can be used to reset the pronter Epson CX3900 and Epson CX4900 adjustment program that is using and use the SSC Sorftware. This time we will only discuss about how to reset using the Adjustment program. How to reset using the SSC software on the printer Epson CX3900 and Epson CX4900 can be found in another article on this blog.

Here areare the steps – steps :
* Download the adjustment software, for Epson CX3900 Epson CX4900 separately here.
* Change the settings on your computer date to 23 January 2007
* Extract and run the adjustment program by clicking on the file “AdjProg.exe” then click ACCEPT
* Click the adjustment mode, OK
* Select waste ink counter and double click to run it
* Clean counter the printer by clicking the “Initialization”
* Turn off your printer and restart, and your printer will return to normal

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